Oh...you want more details. Alright. We break down the NCAA tournament. Not pick by pick like many of the so-called experts do, instead, we discuss the advantages that an end of the season tournament has for college basketball. Pay attention NCAA football. We comment on how the tournament teams are selected and how there aren't too many teams complaining about not making it. Of course, there are a few but, all in all, it seemed to be a pretty successful year in quelling all that talk. Ahem...NCAA football. Are you listening?
Anyway, we then throw in a quick discussion about Jay Cutler and his situation with the Denver Broncos. Incidentally, I bet if Dick were talking about this Jay Cutler, he wouldn't have been so tough. And, yes, his name really is Jay Cutler. This is followed by a semi-rant by Dick about the failures of Darko Milicic and the Associated Press' treatment of the former second overall pick in the NBA. I'm not sure why this bothers Dick so much but, I can't keep up with everything that bothers him.
On to every one's favorite segment...Separated. At. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrth. As a disclaimer for our apologetic behavior during the podcast, I want you all to know that we just call it as we see it. We mean no disrespect to the people who we compare. It is what it is. Without further delay I present our long lost twins. One of them was just disciplined for using an iPhone to Twitter during halftime of one of his team's games. The other is more likely to be found banging these together. That's right. You guessed it...the Milwaukee Bucks' Charlie Villanueva and the Geico Caveman.

Like I said...no disrespect to either of those gentlemen. They just look alike. I mean, they look so much alike that seeing this is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's so simple that a baby could see it. It's so easy that a caveman cou...wait a second. I'm not getting involved in that lawsuit. Until next time.
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