Thursday, March 26, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday to The Dick and Bo Show Blog!!!
And now...some self-congratulating for The Dick and Bo Show Blog. It's been 1 year since it started and it's still going strong. Click here for a picture of Jason Giambi rockin' out at The Dick and Bo Show 1 Year Anniversary Party. Just kidding, of course (the date in the corner of the picture gives it away, no?). This is the only friend that The Dick and Bo Show got to show up at the celebration. Alright, faithful readers. We promise to keep coming strong this year. No fade out during baseball season. Year two will be bigger and better!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Welcome to the NFL...
here are your flags. You must have all three flags on you at all times. One on each hip, where the hip pads used to go, and one covering the tailbone. If at any time a flag is to fall off during a play, that play will be blown dead by the referee. The ball will be placed at the spot where the flag fell off.
Is that about right? Seems to me that this is where the NFL is headed. Yesterday they passed this warning (if that is what you'd call it). Defensive players who get knocked, trip, fall to the ground are no longer allowed to lunge at the quarterback during that same play. I assume the NFL wants that player to stand up, then continue pursuing the ball. That is all fine and dandy if things in the NFL didn't happen in split seconds. It is a very reactionary game. A defensive guy gets knocked down unexpectedly and years of training and instincts tell him to scramble, in any way possible, to the ball. If the ball is far away, the player will jump to his feet and pursue. If it is close, crawling and lunging may be the quickest path. The NFL is now banning(?) this action. They did not pass a rule against it, so, it won't be flagged. I suppose the referee will just tell the player that he can't do that and send him back to the huddle.
My problem is this. This exact type of play happens hundreds and hundreds of times in the NFL each year. Defensive guys are blocked by the offensive players. Some of them get knocked to the ground, some remain standing. The quarterback sees his open man and steps up in the pocket to throw the ball to him. Usually, that is where the play ends. I take issue with the fact the NFL is worried about the anomaly. They have focused on the one time last year that it ended a player's season. It is ridiculous to still be talking about this. Injuries happen. That is a fact of life in the NFL. Deal with it. Would they still be talking about this play if it happened to him instead of this cool guy? I highly doubt it.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Oh, the insanity! It''s...madness!!! Pure madness!!!
Just a quick post announcing our new podcast. We have one. want more details. Alright. We break down the NCAA tournament. Not pick by pick like many of the so-called experts do, instead, we discuss the advantages that an end of the season tournament has for college basketball. Pay attention NCAA football. We comment on how the tournament teams are selected and how there aren't too many teams complaining about not making it. Of course, there are a few but, all in all, it seemed to be a pretty successful year in quelling all that talk. Ahem...NCAA football. Are you listening?
Anyway, we then throw in a quick discussion about Jay Cutler and his situation with the Denver Broncos. Incidentally, I bet if Dick were talking about this Jay Cutler, he wouldn't have been so tough. And, yes, his name really is Jay Cutler. This is followed by a semi-rant by Dick about the failures of Darko Milicic and the Associated Press' treatment of the former second overall pick in the NBA. I'm not sure why this bothers Dick so much but, I can't keep up with everything that bothers him.
On to every one's favorite segment...Separated. At. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrth. As a disclaimer for our apologetic behavior during the podcast, I want you all to know that we just call it as we see it. We mean no disrespect to the people who we compare. It is what it is. Without further delay I present our long lost twins. One of them was just disciplined for using an iPhone to Twitter during halftime of one of his team's games. The other is more likely to be found banging these together. That's right. You guessed it...the Milwaukee Bucks' Charlie Villanueva and the Geico Caveman.

Like I disrespect to either of those gentlemen. They just look alike. I mean, they look so much alike that seeing this is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's so simple that a baby could see it. It's so easy that a caveman cou...wait a second. I'm not getting involved in that lawsuit. Until next time.
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