Thursday, October 29, 2009

Skip Bayless KNOWS drugs. He knows everything.

Dick: dude



Skip Bayless and Rob Parker debate Andre Agassi's admission that he used crystal meth (click for link).


how do you "debate" this

Bo: idea

he was on this drug...not this drug

you can see here that his pupils are extremely dilated

that means meth

not coke

Dick: skip bayless would debate a toad about whether or not it's an amphibian

Bo: he would

Dick: "im just saying, you chill out on land, you have bumpy skin, ALMOST scaly. I think you are more of a reptile, really"

Bo: haha

what a waste

of time

Dick: haha

but the book

im not sure i've ever been all that excited about a sports figure's book coming out, but agassi, he's intriguing

Bo: yeah, the book could be interesting

and it is almost unbelievable that a pro athlete could use meth

but, how, if you are not there, can you debate it


Dick: haha

skip is a dbag

Bo: he is. way better when he was a writer

because you couldn't tell he was such a dbag

yep, agassi is a pretty amazing case

unless it comes out that he was on hgh

all of the potential signals are there

Dick: count on it


Monday, July 27, 2009

Top 5 M/F Stories of the Month - July 09

Oh, hello...didn't see you there. You stopped in at the right time. It's getting to the end of the month again and you know what that means. It's time for another edition of The Dick and Bo Show's Top 5 M/F Stories of the Month!!! Ok, ok. Sit back, relax, and enjoy wasting some precious time.

Number 5

Three days!?!

I was under the impression that the NFL Draft lasted for months. Apparently, it's just the incredible amount of media coverage and speculation that makes the draft seem that way. The article points out that it was expanded from two days. I would've bet money that it lasted from right after the Super Bowl until sometime in April.

Obviously, this is a shameless ploy by the NFL for more advertising dollars. The draft, at least the first round or two, already had the attention of most football fans. It's exciting to see who your team is going to get.

Anyway, this article isn't really worth a read because they could tell football fans the week before the draft that it's going to take place on Thursday night and people would still tune in. Unless, of course, it's like the MLB All-Star game and people realize that they have better things to do during the week. Do you really care that it's expanding to three days? Didn't think so.

Number 4

No, I swear. Promise. I didn't do it. I met a girl. Pamela, I think. She was covered in it. I kissed her anyway. I know. Stupid decision. I didn't really think she was covered in that! Ah, tennis players. What'll they think of next?

Here is the reason that this story is a M/Fer:

Richard who? It's men's tennis. If it's not Rafel Nadal or Roger Federer who cares.

Number 3

In a recent autobiography Michael Phelps...wait no...Josh Howard...hang on...Allen, no, he's not the one...ah, yes, Lebron James admitted to using marijuana. Once. In high school. So that is supposed to get me read the rest of this article and buy the book? Come on. Tell me about how he never went to class or made $50,000 a year for going to school there. Don't tell me something that a lot of high school kids do. What a waste!

Number 2

If Pete Carroll is coaching the opposition I'd be worried for Notre Dame. I don't know if this story is out there because no one wants to talk about how bad the actual team at Notre Dame is or if there really are that many fans who want to hear about how a bunch of old guys are going to pull some muscles trying to beat up a bunch of Japanese football players. Really, ESPN? This is the kind of story that you run for us. There wasn't anything else going on? Nothing? Stop insulting our intelligence, please!

Number 1

Well we've reached the apex. This is it! Hold on everybody!! Here it is. Yep, that's right. Tim Tebow is a virgin. This story is such a waste of time that I don't even know what to write about it. On one hand, I don't care about this at all and on the other hand I don't care about this at all. Is this really what we've come to? Wow. That's all I can say.

There you have it folks. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed another edition of The Dick and Bo Show's Top 5 M/F Stories of the Month of July.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Journalizm Police - 7-07-09

Breaking news: ESPN's own Chris Broussard, in an obvious effort to get face time on the mothership, reported this morning that NBA superstar Lebron James told fellow player Trevor Ariza he was going to stay in Cleveland after his contract expires in 2010. Supposedly, BronBron told Trevor this information in a futile attempt to lure the free agent to join him and Shaq Diesel for their much-anticipated 2009 title run. I'd link to the article/5 minute wankfest of a video but...

Oh wait, no, no, Lebron didn't tell Trevor anything. And guess who's around to tell us about it? Mr. Chris Broussard!

Well done, Chris Broussard, you slave to the 24-hr news cycle, you'd probably quote some puke head friend of yours from middle school now on Facebook as a "confidential source with inside knowledge of the NBA as it pertends to Lebron James" just to get your mug on the air. You sir, for your failure to check sources, are under arrest by the JOURNALIZM POLICE.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Top 5 M/F Stories of the Month - June 09

It's that time of the month again, faithful readers. It's time for another edition of The Dick and Bo Show's Top 5 M/F Stories of the Month. Let's get right to it, shall we?

Number 5

You remember
this guy, right? A little foggy? You may recognize him better like this.

Yep, that's Maurice Clarett. The former The Ohio State University running back. I'm sure by now you are recalling that he is in prison. And by
now you are asking why do I care about Maurice Clarett? Here's why. Apparently, someone thought enough of you to report that Clarett is seeking an early release from his sentence in order to make a comeback in the NFL. Riiiiight, like any team is going to touch a washed up troublemaker. Although, I guess there is an opening or two on the Dallas Cowboys for that sort of player.

Number 4

Gambling and sports have a long, intertwined history that I am not going into right now. Just know that people place bets on sporting events. Occasionally, athletes get involved in gambling which leads to embarrassment all around. What's worse then a player getting involved in gambling? A
referee getting caught betting on games. That's what.

You may be wondering why this is on the list at #4. This seems like and very news worthy event. Something that isn't a waste of anyone's time. This guy officiated crucial games in the NBA season and playoffs and
bet on them!!! My response to you, dear reader, is you're right! This is absolutely news worthy.

This, however, is not. Correct me if I'm wrong, but gambling is a shady business. A guy who goes to prison for illegal betting and who is a participant in the investigation that could lead to the arrests of other people involved isn't going to be making a lot of friends. So, when said convicted gambler runs across a friend of someone being investigated, they get hit with a "paint-rolling stick" on the knee. Or they get hit with something that would actually hurt. Either way, it's not news.

Number 3

As a sports franchise one thing that happens each year that builds excitement about your team is the draft. A high pick means you can choose someone that your fans can be excited to watch. Last year, the Chicago Bulls unexpectedly got the #1 pick. They chose Derrick Rose, an extremely talented PG. Rose went on to have a tremendous rookie season. He left no doubt that he is a guy to build a team around. But, don't take my word for it. Check
this out.

So, the idea that I summed up by saying, "Rose went on to have a tremendous rookie season. He left no doubt that he is a guy to build a team around.", K.C. Johnson got paid write. In way more words. Seems like the whole story was fairly obvious to me. Alas, I read it anyway. On a Monday.

Number 2

The year round nature of sports and sports reporting these days is pretty ridiculous if you ask me. You can tell when someone needs to meet a deadline and will put pretty much anything out there that may qualify as a story or

The New York Jets are looking for some hype after a disappointing 2008 season. All I can say is, "Look out AFC EAST!" If the Jets' newly drafted QB, Mark Sanchez can throw touchdown passes in minicamp, there is no telling what he can do in a real game. The sky is the limit for this guy. Puh-leeze. This was a big waste of time but not the biggest of this past month.

Number 1

Kobe. Bryant. Is. Focused.

Don't believe me?
Proof. Yep, there was no bigger time waster this past month then the media telling us over and over and over again that Kobe Bryant was determined to win an NBA championship. Really? They had to tell us this? Was he not focused last year? This is getting ridiculous. Until next time.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Top 5 M/F Stories of the Month - May 09

Hi there faithful readers...we've been a little busy with work lately so, our water cooler discussions of sports have slowed to a trickle.  Never-the-less, we bring this month's addition of the Top 5 M/F Stories of the Month.

Number 5


Soccer?  Ok, ok.  Soccer is a cool sport.  It's not very popular here in the States but, it's huge elsewhere in the world.  So, contrary to popular US belief, a soccer story isn't always a waste of time.  However, a story about David Beckham wanting to return to AC Milan as soon as his current season in the MLS is over is's like...ah, yes...a guy named Brett Favre wanting to play football again.  Completely a waste of time.

Number 4

Somewhere an Arizona State football fan wept.

It's nice that John Elway (that's him on the right) supports his son's decision to leave the Arizona State football team.  It seems really nice that a big weight has been lifted off of Elway's son since he left the team.  I'm sure that it is very difficult to follow in your extremely successful father's footsteps.  Why do we care to know about this?  We don't.  It's just put in front of us in an easily accessible format.

Number 3

How dare they!

How dare former players ever...EVER...say something negative about their former college program.  Who do they think are criticizing the program after a loss?  I mean, really?  I understand Urban Meyer being a bit upset over a former player's comments but saying, "You're either a Gator or you're not a Gator."  Come on, Urban.  Don't get so offended.  And don't say things that can turn into useless stories.

Number 2

This kind of thing would never happen if he were alive.

Sometimes pitchers purposely throw pitches at or near opposing batters.  This has been happening guess is...since the beginning of this game.  Although, the first baseball players were true gentlemen who looked more like this.  So, maybe pitchers weren't throwing at batters until a few years after the beginning of the sport.  I'd like to send a high inside fastball at ESPN right now...on purpose.  Fine me.

Number 1

We arrive at the most pointless story of the month.  Here it is.

Apparently, Pete Rose, if he were making the decisions, would give Alex Rodriguez a second chance and still vote him into the hall of fame.  Rose goes on to say that he believes "baseball records are sacred" and would be mad if someone who took steroids broke his records.  Let's get this straight.  Pete Rose, a guy banned for life from the hall of fame and openly campaigning to get into the hall, would give someone a second kidding.  I'm glad someone put that in writing for me.  On top of that, Rose thinks baseball records are sacred?  Of course he does.  How else is going to bet on teams if he doesn't know their record?  

That's it for another month's worth of wasted sports stories.  Check back soon for more podcasts and blog posts.         

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Top 5 M/F Stories of the Month

Hello faithful readers.  It's a new monthly post for the Dick and Bo Show Blog.  In case you were wondering, the M/F stands for Monday and Friday.  Why?  Because these stories are so ridiculous, so boring, so utterly unimportant that you either read them on Monday, when you are trying not to start the work week, or Friday, when you are trying to end it.  These stories are packed full of completely useless information that you will have no need to recall at any point in your life...ever.  I give you the Top 5 M/F Stories of April 2009.

Number 5

The NFL's very own Detroit Lions unveiled a new logo this past month.  The team said that, "the changes are consistent with its 'sense of mission and direction'".  Riiiiiiiight, like this new fierce lion really cares what the Lions' mission and direction is.  Obviously, this logo is what's going to help them turn the corner to greatness.  I'm sure the players look at that logo with a sense of pride that they didn't have last year.  When they look at that logo, something tells them that everything will be alright.  Something tells them that, right now, no team has any wins.

Number 4

Any college football fan knows that the University of Notre Dame has been down on its luck lately.  Actually, they have been downright awful, save for a couple of years here and there.  Well, at the end of another horrible showing, Notre Dame took a few days to decide if they were going to fire their head coach, Charlie Weis.  The Associated Press via ESPN wanted you to know that Charlie talked about the possibility of leaving Notre Dame over with his family.


         Charlie Weis talking things over with his family

So, anyone out there care?  I didn't think so.  Besides this being completely's also a classic case of stating the obvious.  Who wouldn't discuss a huge career move with their family?  The level of newsworthiness deteriorates from here.

Number 3

Everyone has grown tired of Terrell Owens...well, except maybe Buffalo Bills fans.  But, they will.  Soon.  In case you didn't hear, this past off season the Dallas Cowboys released Owens.  A lot was made about meetings that Owens, Tony Romo, and Jason Witten had with Cowboys offensive coordinate Jason Garrett.  Owens accused Romo and Witten of having secret plays that would exclude him from getting the ball.  Blah, blah, blah, right?  Wrong!  Apparently, we can't get enough of this nonsense.  Why do we have to hear about this!?!  Owens is on the Bills.  Witten is going to be catching passes from Romo.  It doesn't matter anymore!!!  Although, check this out.  After seeing this photo I believe that, maybe, just maybe, Owens was on to something about Witten and Romo.  Do you see the look in Witten's eyes?

Number 2

What's more pointless than predicting this year's NFL draft?  How about predicting next year's?  Somehow this guy knows what the draft order is going to be, who is going to have a good senior season, and which players aren't going to suffer career threatening injuries.  Am I missing something?  This is an interesting quote: "Here's an absurdly early look at how the 2010 first round could shape up."  Stating the obvious doesn't make up for the complete waste of time that your article is.  How can this possibly be worth reading?  And now the biggest time waster of last month.

Number 1

If you didn't read enough about their first wedding.  If you need all of the details.  If you stay up at night wondering what colors they wore for their second wedding.  This story is for you.  Yep, Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen had a second wedding.  In Costa Rica.  Awesome.  Congratulations...on your second wedding.  I guess.  Whatever.  The Dick and Bo Show was able to obtain a picture of Tom Brady on his wedding night.  A little scrawny, no?  

Well there you have it, sports fans.  It was a football heavy first edition of the Top 5 M/F Stories of the Month, but, April is the biggest month of the off season.  And it seems that the longer sports are into their off season, the more pointless they become.  Oh, if you were wondering, when we do podcasts...Dick wears a red flannel shirt and I wear a green t-shirt.  Both of us wear jeans.  Check back next month for another edition.  And stay tuned for more podcasts and blog posts to come.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Journalizm Police - 4.24.09

"Journalizm Police is a new segment on the D+B Show Blog where we find glowing examples of the sports media empire's wondrous ineptitude in the field of JOURNALIZM"

Here's some quality journalizm from the Associated Press, via ESPN.COM

In a wide-ranging talk with ESPN's [own] Peter Gammons, [Yankees General Manager Brian] Cashman said he was shocked when he learned that Alex Rodriguez had tested positive for steroids in 2003.

"It caught us all off-guard," Cashman said. "But at the same time I'm not shocked about anything any more."

so....Mr. AP, is Cashman "shocked" or not?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The D&B Show: Where Waiting Until The Playoff Brackets Are Set Happens

Hello fans of The Dick and Bo Show.  We have a new podcast up.  It actually went up yesterday.  I didn't get a chance to let you apologies.  It's an NBA Playoff extravaganza show.  We break down all the playoff matchups, series by series.  If you want to know which series you should mark on your calendar and which you should forget about, you've found the right place.  We go into greater detail on the podcast but, here are a few suggestions: watch Miami vs. Atlanta and avoid (at all costs) Orlando vs. Philly.  You've got to listen to hear the rest of our suggestions.  We'll be back soon with more commentary on the NBA Playoffs.
In other news...The Brett Favre Minute has returned.  One last hurrah.  I know that we've retired The Brett Favre Minute numerous times before but, we mean it this time.  This week legendary NFL coach and broadcaster John Madden retired so, we obviously had to bring out The Brett Favre Minute.  We suspect Madden's retirement had a little bit to do with this.  Don't quote us on that...we weren't on the guest list.  Alright.  That is all for now.  We'll be back soon.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

So Bill Simmons just came out with a new "column" today.  It's front page, big-dollar making news down at  BS also has a fresh new file photo on display, but this isn't, so we won't be talking too much about how fantastic he looks.

Anyway, the column is a discussion of the the NBA's 2009 Most Valuable Player (MVP) race.  Mr. Simmons uses the very effective "countdown" format to list the NBA's best players of 2009, from "Least" valuable to the "Most" valuable.  While normally I find his opinions on sports and pop culture utterly viable, (he lives, breathes, and eats sports/TV/magazines/movies/some literature constantly), there is one topic, rather one NBA player, of which I find his constant ragging on reprehensible.  I'm talking about Yao Ming.

BS had this to say about Yao, ranking him #14 overall in the league as far as MVP candidates go:

"#14.  Yao Ming - The good news? He stayed healthy. The bad news? You're getting a 20-10 and two blocks from him and that's it. He is what he is."

Well Bill i've got a little e-mail for you,

In defense of Dork Elvis,

Yao simply isn't getting enough touches this year to do better than  20ppg.  He averages 13 attempts a game.  On a weaker, less deep team he'd be getting 18 shots a game, and averaging 25+pts.  So he's no Shaq-in-his-prime on the offensive end, but don't penalize him because his teammates are so good. 

In the past, it was Yao/Tracy McGrady taking ~50% of Houston's attempts. Now, they have more talent, with Yao only taking 16% of the team's shots, and Scola/Landry, Lowry/Brooks, and Artest/Wafer combining for 70% of Houston's shot attemps.

If anything, Yao has gotten better, healthier, stronger, his FG% has gone up, he can hit a jump shot, is skilled in the high and low post, makes his free throws, and the most important stat of them all:

Houston is 32-3 this year when Yao scores 20 or more points.  Meaning, Yao doesn't need to do much more than he's doing right now.  The Rockets are winning.  And he consistently plays well against other "great" centers in the league, including his 2-0 record v. Dwight "The Best Center in the League" Howard, not just team, but head to head:

Yao: 22pts, 13rb, 2stl, 1blk, 2a, +13(+/-)
4-4FT, 9-15FG

Howard - 13pts, 9rb, 0stl, 2blk, 0a, -13(+/-)
3-5FT, 5-10FG


Yao- 20pts, 16rb, 1stl, 2blks, 1a, +15(+/-), 4-5FT, 8-13FG

Howard- 13pts, 10rb, 1stl, 3blks, 1a,  -1(+/-), 3-9FT, 5-11FG

Frankly, I'm pretty tired of the rampant Asian discrimination not only in the way games are called in this league, but also amongst the sports media.  This country is pretty damn prejudiced. Howard gets lauded with praise because he dunks a lot, swats balls into the stands, and can bench 365. But head to head, this year, it is no contest. Yao SCHOOLED Dwight Howard TWICE in 2008-2009, and NOBODY (in the national media) is talking about it. Look at the stats. Look at the record. D.Ho isn't even DPOY in this man's opinion, Lebron James is. But whatever. Give it to the ball-swatter...but either way, he can't guard Yao one on one.

Yao is a fantastic basketball player, a global ambassador of the sport, unique in his ability to be 7'6'' and not turn into Shawn Bradley or Manute Bol, a veritable All-Star...yet he's the butt of your jokes all the time.  Mr. Simmons, who would you have taken with the 2002 #1? Amare? Boozer? Both headcases, and just as injury prone as anybody.  Who else? Caron Butler? Dunleavy Jr.? Just curious.

He deserves more respect, sir, not just from you, but the American public.  Why are we so anti-Asia? Yea they make cheap plastic crap by the mega-ton-load, but they are generally nice, hard-working people. Ridiculous.  And I'm Puerto Rican, why should I care? I just do. (Go J.J. Barea! Caliente!)


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nerd Alert!

As fans of sport, we all like stats.  We enjoy seeing how our team is doing in the standings.  We like to see how many points our favorite player scored in the last game or how close a player will be to batting .400.  To be a fan of sports is to crave stats, at least on some level.  It keeps it all organized.  It allows for arguments over who the greatest player was or which team is the greatest of all time.  Home runs, strikeouts, points per game, triple doubles, touchdowns and interceptions are examples of "fan friendly" stats.  They are the ones that make the highlights.  Check out the videos...full of "fan friendly" stats.  

Yet, recently the media has been harping on how professional teams are using advanced statistical analysis to show who is the better player or help decide who should be resigned or let go.  I am all for teams improving their player tracking.  This could ensure that we get quality players in their prime, instead of overpaying past their prime players based on their name.  These new metrics that teams are using and, for the most part, keeping a secret are good for the overall game.  Anything that cuts down on the potential for human error is a plus when it comes to analysis.  

On the other hand, how can fans get excited about these stats?  Stories about these new stats keep popping up as a great new tool for teams to use.  The Sports Illustrated article (linked above) talks about how in baseball, "There will be...a day when a player's plus/minus carries as much weight in a Rotisserie league as his offensive statistics".  And that may be a true statement...someday.  I have to believe that these statistics are going to appeal to a very small group of fans.  The fans who are in serious fantasy leagues are going to really get into these stats.  And they should.  The stats are them.  The majority of fans are still going to follow the "fan friendly" stats and that is it.  Those stats are very measurable and give them instant gratification.  A game winning home run is much more easily viewed than the events that set it up.  That home run, and events like it, are what draw most people to the games.

Another issue I have with this new system is the holier-than-thou impression that I am getting from everything that I read and listen to.  It seems to me, that the people who are developing, deploying, and are excited about this strategy feel that they are in an exclusive fraternity.  True, they are some of the cutting edge developers of these stat metrics but, don't write and talk like these are the last pieces of the puzzle.  These stats, added to the other stats, are not going to make every personnel decision the absolute correct one.  So don't act like they are.  They are an improvement...not the end all be all of player judgement.  Plus, they will never be able to judge what a player has in him.  How would the new stats have measured players like Jerry Rice or Scottie Pippen?  Would they even have been given a shot?  Or would the new stats have eliminated them from getting a chance?  Some will argue that those types of players will be noticed more often when all the stats are factored in.  It just seems nearly impossible to get player evaluation into a perfect little box.

Again, it is great that teams are developing new ways to grade players.  Hopefully this new way of evaluation will improve every professional sports league.  While it's good that this idea continues to get increased media coverage, let's just make sure we keep it in perspective and view it for what it really is...a supplement to the current system.      



Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday to The Dick and Bo Show Blog!!!

And now...some self-congratulating for The Dick and Bo Show Blog.  It's been 1 year since it started and it's still going strong.  Click here for a picture of Jason Giambi rockin' out at The Dick and Bo Show 1 Year Anniversary Party.  Just kidding, of course (the date in the corner of the picture gives it away, no?).  This is the only friend that The Dick and Bo Show got to show up at the celebration.  Alright, faithful readers.  We promise to keep coming strong this year.  No fade out during baseball season.  Year two will be bigger and better!!!  

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to the NFL...

here are your flags.  You must have all three flags on you at all times.  One on each hip, where the hip pads used to go, and one covering the tailbone.  If at any time a flag is to fall off during a play, that play will be blown dead by the referee.  The ball will be placed at the spot where the flag fell off.  

Is that about right?  Seems to me that this is where the NFL is headed.  Yesterday they passed this warning (if that is what you'd call it).  Defensive players who get knocked, trip, fall to the ground are no longer allowed to lunge at the quarterback during that same play.  I assume the NFL wants that player to stand up, then continue pursuing the ball.  That is all fine and dandy if things in the NFL didn't happen in split seconds.  It is a very reactionary game.  A defensive guy gets knocked down unexpectedly and years of training and instincts tell him to scramble, in any way possible, to the ball.  If the ball is far away, the player will jump to his feet and pursue.  If it is close, crawling and lunging may be the quickest path.  The NFL is now banning(?) this action.  They did not pass a rule against it, so, it won't be flagged.  I suppose the referee will just tell the player that he can't do that and send him back to the huddle.  

My problem is this.  This exact type of play happens hundreds and hundreds of times in the NFL each year.  Defensive guys are blocked by the offensive players.  Some of them get knocked to the ground, some remain standing.  The quarterback sees his open man and steps up in the pocket to throw the ball to him.  Usually, that is where the play ends.  I take issue with the fact the NFL is worried about the anomaly.  They have focused on the one time last year that it ended a player's season.  It is ridiculous to still be talking about this.  Injuries happen.  That is a fact of life in the NFL.  Deal with it.  Would they still be talking about this play if it happened to him instead of this cool guy?  I highly doubt it.       

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oh, the insanity! It''s...madness!!! Pure madness!!!

Just a quick post announcing our new podcast.  We have one. want more details.  Alright.  We break down the NCAA tournament.  Not pick by pick like many of the so-called experts do, instead, we discuss the advantages that an end of the season tournament has for college basketball.  Pay attention NCAA football.  We comment on how the tournament teams are selected and how there aren't too many teams complaining about not making it.  Of course, there are a few but, all in all, it seemed to be a pretty successful year in quelling all that talk.  Ahem...NCAA football.  Are you listening?  

Anyway, we then throw in a quick discussion about Jay Cutler and his situation with the Denver Broncos.  Incidentally, I bet if Dick were talking about this Jay Cutler, he wouldn't have been so tough.  And, yes, his name really is Jay Cutler.  This is followed by a semi-rant by Dick about the failures of Darko Milicic and the Associated Press' treatment of the former second overall pick in the NBA.  I'm not sure why this bothers Dick so much but, I can't keep up with everything that bothers him.  

On to every one's favorite segment...Separated. At. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrth.  As a disclaimer for our apologetic behavior during the podcast, I want you all to know that we just call it as we see it.  We mean no disrespect to the people who we compare.  It is what it is.  Without further delay I present our long lost twins.  One of them was just disciplined for using an iPhone to Twitter during halftime of one of his team's games.  The other is more likely to be found banging these together.  That's right.  You guessed it...the Milwaukee Bucks' Charlie Villanueva and the Geico Caveman.


Like I disrespect to either of those gentlemen.  They just look alike.  I mean, they look so much alike that seeing this is like shooting fish in a barrel.  It's so simple that a baby could see it.  It's so easy that a caveman cou...wait a second.  I'm not getting involved in that lawsuit.  Until next time.