Watch this clip. Then come back. COME BACK! PLEASE!
Ok, so the video features an aging Bill Russell with an 80s hat on, Cosby sweater, short pants, and high white sox serenading a just-about-past-his-prime, recently turned Bostin Celtic, Kevin Garnett about how to win championships in the NBA. NOBODY knows more about winning rings in the hoops world than Bill Russell, he has ELEVEN. The last one was in 1969. That's almost 40 years ago. But, yea he knows how to win. I guess.
A couple of thoughts about this video piece:
A) What the hell is up with the music? I feel like I should be watching the birth of a baby blue whale in know some sort of "isn't life amahhhzing???" kind of shit.
B)The shot of Garnett topless, admiring his Celtics jersey before putting it on. What? Besides the obvious sex-appeal of a shirtless KG, what's the point of this shot? I know, I know the Celtics are a storied franchise, but they haven't been relevant in 20 years. Bo put it best: "I really respect both of those guys...but this Boston thing has gotten out of control"
C)Some of the ridiiiiculous things Russell says to Garnett:
"I think, you are going to win, at least 2-3 championships here. But if you don't...I'll share one of mine with you."
Uh - Sorry BR, if KG doesn't win a ring, I doubt he'll be too excited about "sharing" one of your championships.
"If you play the way you play, and you dedicate yourself to doing it...they will come. You know, like in Field of Dreams?"
Uh - Yea BR, we got it. Just like in "Field of Dreams." Keep dedicating yourself, KG, and they will come! The rings will just magically appear in the cornfields surrounding your backyard.
"I see you wearing #5, that's pretty close to #6!"
(This is in reference to BR wearing #6 when he was playing)Uh - Yea BR, I'm sure his jersey # has a lot to do with it.
And the whole time KG is just sitting there, saying "I feel you, I feel you." Except you can tell he doesn't give a crap about "sharing a championship." He wants one all to himself. Well, lets start with a Finals appearance now, shall we? Let's see if we can get that far.
ANYWAY, looks like they have a wonderful relationship, BR and KG. That's so amazing. But spare us ABC, please, spare us this mush. I love KG as a player, and hope he's successful in this year's playoffs, but he isn't curing cancer or saving babies trapped in flooded houses. This is entertainment! SLAM DUNK THE BALL KG!
Monday, May 12, 2008
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